The butterfly story
Once upon a time .. there was a man watching for long hours a little butterfly inside its cocoon, which began to open slowly .
The butterfly was trying hard to get out of the small hole that existed in its cocoon
And suddenly stopped..!!
, And seemed to be unable to continue ..!!
The man thought that its strength had been exhausted
and it wouldn't be able to get out of that small hole
that was the reason that it had stopped completely .. !!
So the man sympathized it
And decided to help it so he brought small scissors and cut the rest of the cocoon..!!
So the butterfly fell down easily from its cocoon
but with thin body and weak wings ..!!
The man continue watching thinking
that its wings would soon strengthen and grow
And that her body would strengthen
, and soon it would be able to fly
But nothing happened
And the Butterfly spent the rest of her life with weak wings and thin body
Then it was never able to fly
That man didn't know ..
that the Ability of Allah and His Mercy that He gives to that butterfly
Made it wait in its cocoon until some fluid come out of its body
To strengthen its wings to fly ..!!
Once upon a time .. there was a man watching for long hours a little butterfly inside its cocoon, which began to open slowly .
The butterfly was trying hard to get out of the small hole that existed in its cocoon
And suddenly stopped..!!
, And seemed to be unable to continue ..!!
The man thought that its strength had been exhausted
and it wouldn't be able to get out of that small hole
that was the reason that it had stopped completely .. !!
So the man sympathized it
And decided to help it so he brought small scissors and cut the rest of the cocoon..!!
So the butterfly fell down easily from its cocoon
but with thin body and weak wings ..!!
The man continue watching thinking
that its wings would soon strengthen and grow
And that her body would strengthen
, and soon it would be able to fly
But nothing happened
And the Butterfly spent the rest of her life with weak wings and thin body
Then it was never able to fly
That man didn't know ..
that the Ability of Allah and His Mercy that He gives to that butterfly
Made it wait in its cocoon until some fluid come out of its body
To strengthen its wings to fly ..!!
إليكم ترجمــــــــة القصة الى العربية
قصة الفراشة
يـُـحكـى أنّ .. رجلٌ وقـف يراقب و لعدةِ ساعاتٍ فراشةً صغيرةً داخل شرنقتها التي بدأت
بالإنفراج رويـداً رويـداً
و كـانـت تحاول جاهدةً الخروج من ذلك الثقب الصغير الموجود في شرنقتها
وفجأة سكنت ..!!
و بدت و كأنها غير قادرة على الإستمرار ..!!
ظن الرجل بأن قواها قد استنفذت
و لـن تسـتـطيـع الخروج من ذلك الثقب الصغـيـر
ثم توقفت تماماً ..!!
عـنـدها شعر الرجل بالعطف عليها
و قرر مساعدتها فأحضر مقصاً صغيراً وقص بقية الشرنقه..!!
فـسـقطت الفراشة بسهولة من شرنقتها
و لكن بجسمٍ نحيل ضعيف و أجنحةٌ ذابلة..!!
و ظل الرجل يراقبها معتقداً
بأن أجنحتها لن تلبث أن تقوى و تكبر
و بأن جسمها النحيل سيقوى
و ستصبح قادرةً على الطيران
و لـكن لـم يحدث شيئاً
و قضت الفراشة بقية حياتها بجسم ضعيف و أجنحة ذابلة
و لم تستطع الطيران أبداً..!!
لــم يعـلــم..
ذلـك الرجـل بأن قدرة الله عز و جل و رحمته بالفراشه
جعلتـهـا تنتظر خروج سوائل من جسمها
إلى أجنحتها حتى تقوى و تستطيع الطيران..!!
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